Peasmarsh Lunch Club



Hands of Hope (HOH), the local charity that uses Growing & Cooking to bring communities together in order to help address the challenges of loneliness and childhood obesity has launched its first Helping Hands Lunch Club on the first Monday of every month at Peasmarsh Village Hall.

James Doran, Founder, Hands of Hope “After cooking for Northiam Seniors club for over a year, and with a donation from Sussex Community Foundation, we were able to launch our first Helping Hands Lunch Club at Peasmarsh and are now up to 30 members. We have amazing support from our Volunteers who make sure this is a social occasion as much as a nutritional one and the lunchtime meal is always followed by fun activities and laughter.

James serving Northiamseniors

Community based lunch clubs provide a positive environment where older people can meet, enjoy a good meal together, socialise with their neighbours, and make new friends all within their local community. The goal is to reconnect residents who may be feeling lonely with their local community and friends. This sort of interaction goes a long way towards improving people’s health and happiness.”

Evidence proves that Lunch Clubs can become a crucial element of people’s everyday lives, offering well needed socialisation. For many older people, attending a lunch club will be the primary source of social interaction in the week, and will contribute to the maintenance of their health and wellbeing. Lunch clubs can also provide a pedestal for further involvement in the community and social engagement.

If you are interested in either attending or volunteering or would like to start a Lunch Club in your village or town please get in touch.    or call Mandy on 07968 333 097

Image Credits: Mags Ivatts , Rye Gallery .

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