Saving The Bell at Iden


The pub is  the hub of many communities and the residents of Iden and surrounding properties have raised their voices to declare their support in saving their pub, The Bell Inn, which is now closed and is currently for sale.

Back in August, following a packed meeting in the village hall, it was agreed that a working party be formed to establish all steps that could be taken to save The Bell.

Since then, our five strong team, chaired by Martin Chalet, has achieved many things in order to progress the cause of buying the pub as a community asset.

Christopher Strangeways, a familiar face in Iden, who was instrumental in saving the much loved Iden Stores is on hand to the working party as an advisor sharing his knowledge and enthusiasm for all things local.

On Wednesday, November 22, a meeting was held in the village hall where over 80 locals enjoyed jugs of beer and glasses of wine and received an update on our journey thus far.

We have been fortunate in receiving much welcomed advice and guidance from other pubs in the area that have successfully navigated the path of setting up their own community pubs and who continue to grow from strength to strength.

We have also received encouraging words of support from our MP, Sally-Ann Hart:

“I am delighted to hear that local residents have come together to ‘Save the Bell at Iden’ and are seeking to apply to the Community Ownership Fund for match funding support. This fund is vital in helping to empower communities to secure and preserve community assets like The Bell, ensuring local control and a future.

“The Bell plays an essential role in Iden as it serves as a social hub, a gathering place for locals and visitors, and fosters a sense of community. Iden shows its strength as a community in its endeavour and I wish it the very best in successfully saving The Bell.”

To obtain feedback from the community, a questionnaire was distributed, completion of which will provide valuable information for us to dissect and realise the wishes of the community. Copies of the questionnaire can be obtained from the Iden Store.

Should you have any questions or require any information then please do get in touch at

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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  1. Iden has always been proud of its traditions and heritage and now demonstrated in the campaigns to save the Bell and the sports pavilion.

    The village has been so very fortunate during the past hundred years to have residents who cared for the community and have endowed it with its wonderful playing field and ancient woodland, the land known as Elmsmead and the Village Hall, the War Memorial Garden, the Old Hall and workshop, the Bowls Club, the Garden of Remembrance and twenty-five years ago, Iden Stores and Post Office by Christopher Strangeways and customers who paid for 20% of the freehold.

    Sixty years ago, villagers built the sports pavilion themselves to have better facilities for the footballers and cricketers

    These assets we now take for granted, but without them, Iden would not be such a great place to live and would be so much the poorer for the loss of its ancient pub and the sports pavilion

    This is why this generous village has come together as a community to ensure both these assets are saved and that they have prosperous futures.

    We thank all those who are working hard on our behalf on these projects under committed leadership for what we know will be successful outcomes

  2. I really hope this happens, and The Bell endures as a complement to Iden’s brilliant shop. I hope the fete can be revived one day too… Good work, Christopher and team. I look forward to a pint in there soon!


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