Services offered


These are difficult times but the community is stepping up. On this page we list organisations and individuals who may be able to help. We will update this regularly so check back as new or different government advice/regulations may affect what can be offered.

Please also see these links:
Volunteer army gets ready:
Local offers (Rye Mutual Aid):

The Globe Inn

The Globe, on Military Road is offering its neighbours help. There is no direct road access into Military Road now, so diversions have to be followed.  The staff will be there 10.00am until 12 noon and people are welcome to request services such as:

  • food
  • supplies
  • a chat

The Globe is at 10 Military Road and can be reached on 01797 225220, or at

The Hope Anchor Hotel

The hotel and restaurant are closed, but reception is open to take orders for take away meals. Visit the website or telephone as below

The Hope Anchor is at the top of Trader’s Passage in Watchbell Street

01797 222216 website:

The Queen’s Head

The Queen’s Head at 19, Landgate is offering a delivery service of hot meals daily for £6.00

For information of the meal on offer each day, ring 01797 226929


Donations to the Rye Food Bank have dropped, and there is urgent need. Jempson’s, our local supermarket is taking action to help.

The Jempson Foundation is accepting monetary donations on the behalf of Rye Food Bank with the undertaking to collate and deliver to them essential groceries at cost price.

Donations are gratefully received at their website –


Local building company Tolletts is planning to carry on working as long as it is safe to do so.

It has also said that will happy to support customers who are in the high risk category free of charge should they have any concerns or an emergency or even if they just need some reassurance.

P&P Waste Movers

A family run waste collection business based in Rye and still able to provide collection services while working within new procedures. These procedures are detailed on their website

Cooking services

Sarah Saunders is a self-employed professional chef whose business has been badly affected by the coronavirus. If there are private households who would like meals home delivered, she can send you menu options.

Also if care homes or similar organisations need a relief chef, Sarah may be able to help there.

Paws and Claws (01797 229335) at 5A Market Street and the Pette Shoppe (01797 222401) at 111a the High street are both offering deliveries

And there are other linked stories in this issue

Image Credits: John Minter .

Previous articleNow is the time
Next articleHelp arrives at the door


  1. Really envious of how the people of Rye are responding to the lockdown.
    Congratulations for a wonderful community spirit.
    Hailsham please note !

  2. Sorry to say the people of Rye were a complete let down today as were Jempsons. The supermarket was heaving today and people didn’t care one iota about distancing. People came in for their daily shop and to get snacks often bringing children. There seemed to be work experience going on with over 10 shelf stackers throughout the store blocking paths and making people squeeze past one another. The youngsters on work experience chatting amongst themselves in groups obviously immune.
    The idea of going shopping as little as possible is to stop snack and day shopping, to limit contact. You are also supposed to leave your kids at home.
    If Jempsons are going to flout the rules and we are going full ‘Im alright Jack’ can we please open the pubs and go for it. Small businesses are struggling.
    [Note. This comment has bern edited to meet our guidelines]

    • How do you suggest they fill the shelves?Shut the shop as soon as they are emptied.They probably fill them before opening within a certain time they need filling again.

    • Jempsons have actually been very good overall. They have been running a well executed operation. If shelves need stacking, they need stacking. Also, not sure how a single parent can ‘leave their kids at home’. It’s easy, if you get there and you feel there are too many people, then just don’t go in. Alternatively queuing at one of the larger supermarkets out of town is always an option

  3. Your assumptions, sir, are correct. Jempsons have adopted all those procedures so you will have no problem shopping there and no need to make an ill-advised unnecessary journey outside Rye.

  4. I would prefer to shop personally, however, the only time I did I felt extremely nervous about several occasions of a distinct lack of social distancing. Please will Jempsons ask people to wear face-masks when shopping in their stores. It would be safer all round.

  5. I was in Jempsons on Tuesday and can report that (in my opinion) proper procedures were being followed. Social distancing was encouraged and observed. Hand wipes were provided for each customer on arrival and relevant advice given. There was also a good queueing system for the checkouts (which I failed to notice and which was politely pointed out to me). This was in complete contrast to Aldi (where I was last Friday) where the social distancing was flouted by some customers and most of the staff!

  6. On Pamela Buxton’s point regarding face masks, I have looked into this at some length in my role at the Rye Food Bank. My conclusion (which I believe is the same as the governments) is that face masks CAN make a difference but ONLY if used appropriately. In my experience, non-medically trained people do not use face masks appropriately and may, in fact, be increasing their risk of transmission. They may also provide a false sense of security for the wearer. There was an interesting segment on the BBC Radio 4 programme More or Less on this topic: (at 13:35).

    I also decided that, while supplies are scarce, medical grade face masks should be saved for the professionals and those encountering confirmed COVID-19 patients. Their need is greater than ours.

    As per NHS advice, staying home, correct social distancing and regular, thorough hand washing are, by far, the most important steps we can take.

  7. Face masks do not HELP THE WEARER, but it helps others. It is easy to make a simple mask as evidenced by various write-ups in the newspapers, and common sense. This morning in Boots, the staff all wore masks to protect us, the customer. I wore a mask to protect them. We could have a year of this lockdown and I, for one do not want to be dependant on deliveries, which in theory I could be. If masks were worn purely for shopping, is that really too much to ask?

  8. There’s a good article on the BBC website about facemarks here: If you’re interested/concerned, please take a few moments to read the complete article. It is a good summary of all the (more detailed) documents I have read on the topic.

    The point (I think) is that masks CAN help (both wearer and others nearby) IF used correctly. The challenge is that most people don’t use them appropriately. For example, they don’t put them on or take them off safely; they keep fiddling with them (because it’s an unfamiliar experience); they think that the mask excuses them from other more important measures (e.g. social distancing and hand washing).

    When I see people (e.g. in the shops on Tuesday) wearing face masks, I also see them touching the mask repeatedly and touching their face prior to handling food items. This is not a criticism, it’s just normal human behaviour for people unfamiliar with mask wearing and they’re probably not even aware they’re doing it. Instead of seeing them wear a mask, I’d much prefer to know they’re practising social distancing, washing their hands properly and only going out when absolutely necessary.

  9. We have found the procedures in Jempsons to be totally within the guidelines. There will be times when the shops will be busier than others and when we have noticed this we have delayed our shopping to another time.Inconvenient maybe but worth it to maintain our safety.
    It is not only the shops who need to abide by all the rules but we as individuals have a responsibility to ourselves and to others to follow guidelines.

  10. I shop once a week at Jempsons at 6.30 a.m. There are between 8 and 12 other shoppers at this time, and the bonus is that the Post Office is open too. Thank you Ash Madden for your comprehensive comments on face masks – I still believe that we should wear them in shops, and I am not taking valuable masks from the NHS having purchased on-line black fabric ones and been kindly given some homemade ones, so we have plenty to wash and wear.

  11. I have just been in Jempsons for a quick shop. I have no issue with the store or its staff (who have done a fantastic job during this crisis) but clearly customers are no longer bothering – at least at 4pm on a Friday. I saw about 100 people there, queuing to go in, inside the store then on my way out. I saw two other people wearing face coverings. I asked the staff member on the door, giving out the antiseptic wipes (who was also not wearing a face covering) whether people shouldn’t be wearing masks. He shrugged. I realise its very difficult for staff to enforce “guidance” so I am not blaming him or the management.

    I dont go in Jempsons more than once a week but it seems to be that people have just given up on wearing masks over the last fortnight. What a shame. We have a huge death count in this country, people have suffered painful and unnecessary losses, the economy has been decimated, people with other critical health conditions have had treatment delayed, in some cases fatally. And yet supermarket shoppers decide they dont want to wear a face covering for 10 or 15 minutes to protect others. The advice about wearing face coverings in public was published two months ago.

  12. The public is advised to consider wearing face coverings in enclosed public spaces such as shops, trains and buses to help reduce the spread of coronavirus.

    Advised to consider, just about sums it up, wishy washy Instructions when what it needs is “Do it”
    Time and time again the public have demonstrated that if you offer them the slightest loophole they’ll take it.
    Why should the public follow advice when the government has failed to follow the advice of the scientists when it doesn’t suit.
    Don’t do as I do……………………

  13. Have been impressed by the opening of shops in Rye and Rye Harbour and the availability of almost everything. JF Fruiterers have been doing an excellent delivery service. I do have a complaint about Peasmarsh Jempsons particularly as when you are weak minded such me and chocolates by the payment counter tempt at the last moment…there is a queue outside and you are surrounded on both sides by wonderful plants. It is the only reason I go shopping there as I do try to keep faithful to our Rye Harbour Stores!!! My garden is now bursting with yet more plants!!……


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