What a pane


Last Sunday morning I had some time to kill before getting into position to photograph the trail runs which were starting from outside Grammar School records later, but as it was sunny I took a walk along Cinque Ports Street to see if there was anything to photograph.

The streets were virtually free of traffic, the pavements free of pedestrians, other than a few early bird runners taking in the local sights before the big event.

The hanging baskets outside the Rye Retreat looked fantastic as usual, very noticeable by all the incoming visitors as they scour the area looking for somewhere to park but, something which was equally as noticeable is the sheet of wood covering the broken window at the police station.

I can’t remember how long it’s been there but I’m sure one of our eagle-eyed readers will put me right on this, but it must have been there for at least six months? I know money is tight but come on, how much does it cost to replace a pane of glass, is there a good reason why hasn’t been fixed yet?

Just a suggestion but if the police can’t afford it or if their landlord (assuming it’s not the police who own the building) isn’t interested in replacing it, is there a local builder or glazing firm who could donate and/or fit a new window, it would make a good story and give the donor some free advertorial in Rye News.

Its a shame that the Rye Retreat, who have obviously has made such an effort to ‘dress’ their building, are being compromised by their neighbour; it’s not a great advert for the police or for Rye, where’s their sense of pride?

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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  1. Good to see nick Forman spotting the boarded up window at Ryes White elephant, it would be interesting to know from someone in charge, how many rooms are used it this vast police station, and at what cost to the ratepayer, and will it ever be used to capacity again, surely time to down size if not.


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