Actors heading for Hastings fringe


On Saturday, July 16, I met with Pat Driver and Rye Players at their rehearsal in Rye before performing in Hastings and later interviewed her. Pat gave me a mini-history of the group.

“There is, as you’d expect, a long and illustrious tradition of theatrical performance in Rye,” she said. “From medieval mystery plays filled with religious symbolism to the knockabout fun of the town panto, the talented performers in our midst have always found ways to shine in venues indoors, outdoors, large and small.

“But rebuilding Rye Players in the wake of the pandemic has taken some doing. The group’s overheads stayed put while the box office income disappeared. A small but determined group of actors from Dilys Mayor’s Rye Shakespeare Company, Rye Players and other local stalwarts, revived and developed The Canterburye Tales.

“This comedy by Andrew Mayor was a huge hit at last year’s Rye Arts Festival and, with the addition of a ‘new’ tale for 2022, it has won a place in the Hastings Fringe Festival with a one-off indoor performance at the Stables Theatre, Hastings on Tuesday, July 26.”

Pat Driver directs the 11-strong cast who, she says, are still loving this production that has been such a big part of their lives for the past year. “It’s a wonderful collaboration. Even as we mourn the loss of the wonderful Dilys, who was a key part of this show, we find new and ever-more creative ways to perfect the production. And put simply, our share of the box office on July 26 will pay for the return of the town panto, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, in December. Please come and support us.”

Book now at or via the A Rye Good Time app.

The photo shows – Back row from left, Colin James, Lawrence Wilson, Andrew Mayor, Oliver Brooks, David Bentley, Janet Stott, John Breeds, middle row (seated) Clare Murray, Sandi Bain ,  foreground, (kneeling) Alexander Hunt (not shown, Arabella Ansar and Steve Rivington)

Image Credits: Kt bruce .

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  1. We are sorry to have to announce that this performance cannot go ahead because three cast members have Covid. Even if we test negative on the day, those affected are still quite unwell and we must try to contain the outbreak to the best of our ability and not put anybody at risk. With apologies to anybody who has booked: you will be contacted. Please keep an eye out for a rescheduled date. The Pilgrims will be back. Pat x


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