Art in the heart of Peasmarsh


Peasmarsh Memorial Hall, originally erected in the 1920s in memory of the men who gave their lives in the Great War, was extensively rebuilt, refurbished and improved in 2012. In 2014, it was awarded a Sussex Heritage Trust Public and Community Award for providing and improving facilities for its local community.

Now playing a really useful part in the local village and beyond, it is proving a real centre, with a wide variety of activities including two, a tea party and crafts exhibition, this weekend. The Fine Art and Print Exhibition was one such event held in October and was described as follows:

Paintings on show
Paintings on show

Amongst the many and varied events being held at the Hall, this year there have been three art shows, writes Wendy Sabine, and plans are afoot to make these a regular part of the events which already take place in this lovely hall.

The first this year was original artwork only, the second was prints only and the third and most recent was original artwork and prints. Several local artists take part and most are there during the course of the show to discuss their work with visitors.

This is a beautiful hall and there is ample parking, so well worth a visit. Watch the local press and the website for future exhibitions.

If you would like to know more about all the activities taking place, check the website which has all the regular happenings and the visiting shows. The next event to be held will be the Christmas Tea Party, from 3pm to 5pm on  Saturday, December 3 and the Hall of Crafts on Sunday, December 4, 10am to 4pm.



Photos: Wendy Sabine and courtesy Peasmarsh Memorial Hall

Image Credits: Peasmarsh Memorial Hall .

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