As part of the Rye Festival, on Saturday 12th September, members of the Rye & District Camera Club will display a selection of their photographic prints in their 27th Annual Exhibition at St. Marys Centre in Lion Street, Rye. (The centre is on the right of the approach to the Kino cinema).

The exhibition will be open from 10am until 5:30pm and will feature the work of 18 photographers, four of whom have exhibited in all 27 of the club exhibitions. Visitors can be assured that a great range of fascinating and interesting subject matter will be on display, ranging from superb natural history images to landscapes, atmospheric monochrome studies, a portrait or two, still life and abstracts. Some of the work displayed will be for sale together with a selection of cards and some photographic books.
The club has twice won the Sussex Trophy for it’s photographic prints, competing against other photographic clubs across the county, and last year came 5th of 38 clubs in the annual Kent county print competition.
The club is known for it’s friendly atmosphere and welcomes new members with an interest in photography. You don’t have to be an expert! Our meetings are informal, featuring talks or practical demonstrations from members and visiting speakers, competitions and occasional outdoor practical meetings. Competitions with other photographic clubs are also organised.
The club meets fortnightly, on Monday evenings from early September until April at the W.I. hall in Playden. If you are interested, talk to us when you visit our exhibition, but remember, it’s only on for ONE DAY – don’t miss it!
Photos of the exhibition: John Minter