Hint of spring in winter


Two exhibitions opened last week at the Rye Art Gallery in the run up to Christmas and Linda Harland previewed them. And now the exhibitions are open we can show some examples of the work on display.Eric Watson - Chris Pet Shop Boys

Downstairs features a range of work by local artists including Louis Turpin (with “Tulips at Dixter” featured above) and Richard Adams (whose work “The Line in Winter” is shown on our front page) . This might inspire some thoughts about a slightly different sort of Christmas present this year – and the choice is not just paintings. Textiles, ceramics, jewelry and glass are also on display.

Upstairs features photographs by local Eric Watson, who died in 2012 and worked on “Smash Hits” magazine when he was London based. Down here, his photography moved in totally different directions towards landscapes and the comparisons are interesting.

However his “pop” work might stir some memories and here we feature a typical photo (right) of Chris from the Pet Shop Boys and (below) Madonna, in her younger days. Gallery open weekdays 10:30am-5pm, Sundays 12-4pm.

Madonna, by Eric Watson
Madonna, by Eric Watson


Photos: Kenneth Bird

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