Kenny Broberg – a youthful talent


On Sunday, October 15, Fairlight Hall, presented Kenny Broberg, the young (just passed 24) pianist who won first prize in the Hastings Concert Competition 2017. (The music director is presently travelling the world to find the next potential winner for 2018).

Kenny Broberg is a native of Minneapolis, USA and started his music career at the age of six. He received his Batchelor of Music Degree from a Houston University and is now a graduate student working with inspirational 2001 Cliburn (a US piano competition) gold medalist, Usbekistan-born Stanislav Loudenitch in Missouri. His solo piano performance this Sunday was faultless, passionate, fast and furious and it was amazing watching his hands fluttering across the piano keys. (3 Allegros and an Adagio from Samuel Barber)

Intermission in lovely surroundings and the sun

After the intermission with coffee and cakes, we were treated to something gentler though just as powerful, Franz Liszt in B minor, S178. After three concerts (in Rye, Hastings and Fairlight) Broberg is returning to the USA to perform, but look out for his name as he will be back in the UK later this year.

If anyone would like to find out about future events in Fairlight Hall go to: and for the Hastings Competition in 2018 go to:


Photos: Heidi Foster

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