Merchant of Venice on the road


Bowler Crab’s touring production of Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice came to the Mermaid last week on June 13 and 14. Artistic Director, Stephen John said “We’ve had such a fantastic opening week, thank you to the Mermaid Inn, Rye for having us. Our audience sounded like a symphony of laughter and mirth!”
There will be further opportunities to see the play in open air productions next week at Half House Farm, Butchers Lane, Three Oaks, TN35 4NE. Performances take place on Friday and Saturday June 29-30, at 7:30pm and on Sunday July 1 at 3pm.
Please feel free to bring a picnic – hay bales will be provided, but bring your own chair for more comfort, say the organisers.  As usual, there will be a refreshment tent and the gates will open one hour before performance.  Tickets are £15 from Bowler Crab or 07801893115
Source: Bowler Crab

Photo: Peter Mould

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