M’s author corner


Welcome dear readers.

Here’s to March, celebrating the joys of spring, and it’s reading month.

Opening a new book, can be the start of a powerful reading and learning experience.

In my opinion, this is a time to renew and review the first three months of 2024.

The arrival of spring brings colourful blooms, brighter, longer days, change, and inspiration. We celebrate March with cultural days around the world, and indeed in Rye with books, poetry, reading, writing, learning, and connection. At this time of year, I find myself reflecting on current writing and reading projects.

I happily read the article by Kt on local schools and their celebration of World Book Day,  which was on March 7. I hope that dressing up as their favourite characters, encouraged by their teachers and parents, the children will choose to read more.

Books allow us to stay right here or time travel to anywhere. Through history, to the future, we escape and learn about the world and authors.

Reading has many benefits. Here are a few: –

  • Reduces stress and helps us relax.
  • Improves our concentration and memory.
  • Expands our vocabulary and strengthens writing abilities.

Let’s put aside time, find a nook, sit quietly, and get lost in words.

As a published author, storyteller, and avid reader, I revel in blending genres. Children’s books capture my attention and ignite my imagination. Beautifully written and captivating stories, sprinkled with humour, can offer us glimpses of our lives, both past and present.

My latest read, Hand in Glove by Robert Goddard, is an attention-grabbing story, with many twists and unexpected turns. A book that keeps on giving…Do you recognise the location on the front cover?

Here’s to the power of books, the adventures they offer, and their value. The good news, they have the potential to make a significant difference in our lives.

Until next we meet, at M’s Author Corner, carry on reading, and cherish the stories that speak to us. Do share what you are currently reading.

With my warmest wishes for Easter,


Born in Dublin, there has been a constant thread of writing and storytelling running through Miriam’s life. She proudly nurtures her Irish heritage while living in the creative and historical town of Rye, East Sussex. In her writing cave, she only allows her characters to join her.


Image Credits: Miriam McGuirk .

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  1. Miriam makes many valid points especially
    ‘ Books allow us to stay right here or time travel to anywhere. Through history, to the future, we escape and learn about the world and authors’.
    So true.
    I recently read Robert Godard’s Hand in Glove. Coincidently set in a fictional property in Watchbell St here in Rye.
    It kept ‘giving’ until the last page.
    My current read :Scattershot – Life, Music, Elton and Me by Bernie Taupin.
    A superb read – their music a back drop to my life.

  2. Beautifully put by Miriam who has such a lovely way with words. But, being an accomplished author we already know that. Look forward to Aprils corner by Miriam xx


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