Music Well in tune with Festival


The Music Well singing group blasted out some of its favourite tunes to liven up the citadel on Tuesday afternoon, August 14.

The Music Well CIC is proud to have been chosen by the Rye Jazz & Blues Festival as its charitable partner this year. The diverse work of the not-for-profit organisation is based entirely around music and well-being and as such it links perfectly with the ethos of the Jazz Festival. Charlotte Wright, one of the presenters on the BBC South East Today news programme, came to listen to the singing group and talk to them about the benefits of joining together to sing. Charlotte spent the afternoon listening to the singing teacher and accomplished pianist Louise Fletcher supporting the group through their repertoire, and she commented upon the joy that emanated from them and the evident community spirit.

It is a story of heart-warming local interest that will be broadcast by the BBC on  August 24 along with the live coverage from “Funky Friday” the opening free event of the Rye Jazz & Blues Festival over August Bank Holiday 2018.

Photo: Louise Fletcher

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