Say it with Books – beginner’s book making workshop
Creative people have stories to tell, and what better way to tell your story than by creating simple hand-made books on beautiful paper that will stand the test of time.
‘Say it with Books’ is a starter book making session for those who would like to learn some simple book structures that will equip you with new ways to express your creative voice.
Using the traditional tools and quality papers provided you will be guided through a series of exercises in folding, cutting and very easy sewing to produce four book structures including a leporello (concertina book), a simple sewn pamphlet book with a decorated card cover and a folding pocket book for keepsakes that makes a perfect gift.
The session will also cover suitable papers, the importance of paper grain and the tools required for you to go it alone.
Refreshments will be provided. Classes are restricted to 5 applicants in order to allow individual attention to be given where needed.