Sunday Wurlitzer featuring ‘the UK’s favourite musical entertainer’ – John Mann with Michael Wooldridge
Sunday 21st July at 2.30pm Sunday Wurlitzer featuring ‘the UK’s favourite musical entertainer, John Mann with Michael Wooldridge. Known for his ability to make us all smile with his great music and wonderful humour, John always pleases his huge number of fans.
Admission £12.00, Children Free (16 and under)
To reserve your seats for any of our events, call Richard on 01424 444 058
During the course of the year, we host a wide variety of shows which should appeal to most tastes, featuring professional musicians plus sometimes our own students. Shows are held at The Rye Theatre, Rye College, Love Lane, Rye, East Sussex, TN31 7NQ
Image Credits: Rye Wurlitzer Academy .