‘Whatever Happened to Christopher Robin?’ POSTPONED
Postponed until further notice.
The Rye and District u3a summer recess is over and the monthly general meetings now resume, starting on Monday 19th September.
Our first speaker, on the 19th, will be Gilly Halcrow, talking on the subject of ‘Whatever Happened to Christopher Robin?’. The meeting will start at 2.00pm and all members are welcome. If you are interested in joining the u3a, and would like to hear this talk, then you are welcome to join us for one meeting before signing up.
And for your diaries, two future dates:
Monday 17th October – A Celebration of 20 years of Rye and District u3a (with music by Mister Meredith).
Monday 21st November – ‘The Golden Age of Hollywood’ given by Delia Taylor.
Enquiries to Membership Secretary at u3aryesecretary@gmail.com