Amber Rudd on our rail service


In view of the continued problems with Southern, we thought that readers might be interested in the comments by our MP in her recent newsletter on the situation :

Our area needs fast and reliable rail services to supercharge its regeneration and open up greater opportunities for local people.

However, at the moment, we aren’t even getting the minimum standard of service we expect. Our communities are being appallingly treated by the RMT and ASLEF unions, and let down by shortcomings in the infrastructure operated by Network Rail.

It is inexplicable that both unions continue to call out their members on strike over the modernisation of the role of guards to become On Board Supervisors as state of the art new trains, which only require the driver to operate, are introduced. In everyday circumstances all Southern trains that currently have two members of staff will continue to do so. In addition, the role of the On Board Supervisor will improve the customer service provided to passengers.

Strikes cause severe delays across the network and the complete cancellation of all Ashford International-Eastbourne services through Hastings and Rye. These are not strikes about job losses – current staff will be paid the same salary, with overtime and pay increases, and have at least a five year job guarantee. Indeed, the staff affected by the changes have all signed up to the new role, which makes the decisions to strike even more unjustifiable. Nor can the strikes be about safety – trains have operated in this way across much of the UK rail network for over 30 years and the trains entering service with Southern meet modern safety standards.

I continue to call on the unions to cancel these selfish and unnecessary strikes so that the benefits and improved reliability of new technologies and modern ways of working can be fully delivered to passengers. I am also working with Southern and the rail minister to see what more can be done to assist passengers affected by the strikes.

This current disruption does not detract from my overall objective of achieving faster services between London St Pancras and Rye, Hastings and Bexhill with greater capacity.

Overcrowding on the Marshlink continues to be a major problem. This was reinforced to me last week when I attended the AGM of the Marshlink Community Rail Partnership. I will renew my efforts pressing the rail minister on how we can invest and innovate to find a solution to this issue as quickly as possible.

Of course, my priority remains high speed rail on this route. I continue to meet with ministers and members of the rail industry, alongside local colleagues, to keep this on track.

As you can see, our rail network is both a challenge and a great opportunity for our communities. I will be holding my fourth annual rail summit next year so you can hear from the government and rail companies on what they are doing to improve our journeys. Further details will follow in due course and I hope you will be able to attend.

Photo: Ray Prewer

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  1. I travelled Rye to Eastbourne recently train stopped at Winchelsea a passenger boarded. To my certain knowledge the’ guard’ did not come through the train(2coaches) to collect fare, nor on either journey did the guard show his presence at any time.What service are they supposed to be giving now


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