Double-deckers unlock horns


The inevitable has happened and those seeking free parking have migrated to the periphery of Rye, namely Military Road et al. This in turn has resulted in the former two-way road becoming an (unofficial) one-way system for at least 100 yards from the entrance off the A268 to beyond the Globe Inn.

Imagine, then, the predicament I found myself in when trying to extract myself and car from Military Road on the wet and windy evening of Sunday, November 1. I was aware that a large vehicle was behind me and trying to come through, but despite me leaving it room, it stayed static.

My passenger then informed me that a similar vehicle was approaching in the opposite direction. Peering through the rain-spattered windscreen, it then became apparent that the two vehicles were double-decker buses going to and from Ashford in lieu of trains.

I watched with bated breath to see what would happen and was dumbfounded when suddenly we found ourselves on the move! The bus entering Military Road, with incredible dexterity, reversed a wee smidgeon and allowed the other bus to escape on to Rye Hill and continue its journey. Thankfully there was scarce traffic on the hill as we made our exit.

It reminded me of other traffic incidents that have occurred in Rye over the years that in a fashion get resolved without too much fuss. If something in Rye seems impossible then the ingenuity of its residents will find a way.

Image Credits: S Lanigan .

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