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Credit where credit’s due

Thank you Rother District Council for clearing up after fly tippers

Use It or lose it?

The only way to keep Rye special is to support it

Rye toilets, a possible solution

Modern technology isn't always better

9 Mermaid Street -spot the difference?

It's taking forever to fix the dilapidated building on Rye's iconic street

The wrong location

New Aldi development traffic could be a "calamity"

Greed vs need?

The new Aldi development has more questions than answers for a resident right next to the site

Local investors secure popular hotel

The Hope Anchor joins the George and the Lookout

Use your vote on July 4

It's not compulsory, but don't waste your chance to have a say over who will be our next MP

Election update: June 21

Candidates priorities, local polling, important dates & hustings, and a reminder about photo ID

Priorities for Rye: Labour

Helena Dollimore

Priorities for Rye: Reform

Lucian Fernando

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