Looking after our heritage


Dear Sir,

In answer to the article ‘Love the Landgate’, I too have been looking at its awful state, not only weeds, but buddleia which, as any gardener knows, has  roots which destroy foundations in its wake. (A sad and depressing sight) perhaps they should take a look at the gate in Winchelsea (Pipewell) and see what an excellent job of restoration has been done there. Another sad and depressing eyesore is the Town Hall garden and pump in Wish Ward. I took the work on four years ago which I dug out and planted with shrubs and perennials. In January this year the Town Hall took back possession and have taken on another Town Steward to do the work. OR NOT. Many people have complained but sadly it’s fallen on deaf ears, they are both in the Conservation Area so what has the Conservation Society done about it (NOTHING). My passion is Gardening and I am a Gardener, for three years I was an ACTIVE Member of Rye in Bloom under Mrs Lorna Hall and was the Town Judge for two years. I was also the founder of the Rye Garden Safari and organiser for 15 years raising money for St Michael’s Hospice.

I feel very sad when individuals take over and let it go.

Mrs S Pawsey
Udimore Road

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