Something to make you smile


It’s hard to think that only a few weeks ago we were all gasping at the news coming out of China, while many of us probably thought the virus would be under control and unlikely to reach our shores.

How wrong we were. Now look at where we are after only a short time down the line. Who would have thought it? Panic buying was the first chink in our armour, the selfish leading the way as usual and, of all the commodities which all of a sudden were in huge demand, loo rolls took centre stage.

The social media sites soon started sharing images of supermarket shelves being stripped of anything flushable, and the comedians around us also started sending round their take on things, including photos and videos.

“In case you hadn’t seen it,I couldn’t resist sharing the photo of the “loo roll lady’ below.

This innocent image made me smile, have you got any photos to cheer us all up?

It says very little, but at the same time says everything. The picture tells the story. And it got me thinking. In an effort to bring some much needed light relief all round, why not start publishing a bit of humour, but let’s involve our readers to help to spread the message.

Many of our reporters are also marooned at home at the moment, but Rye News is an important way of communicating to our community at all levels, and we intend to keep it going whatever.

Not knowing where to start with this and, by pure coincidence, my wife Sue, who was downstairs, suggested I come and have a look outside in the street. Thinking the worst, I flew down in my dressing gown (not a pretty sight), mobile phone in hand and opened the front door.

And what did I find – a white van parked outside a few doors down with a message on the back doors which I felt typified the great British sense of humour (see top photo), and instead of a reference to would be tool thieves,  the message read – “No toilet roll left in this van overnight!”. Brilliant!

Stakes are really high with some high roll-ers at this poker game. When the chips are down…….

Another photo then arrived in my in box this morning, forwarded by Seana Lanigan, which is another example of how, in the face of extreme adversity, our humour can’t be stifled, so well done whoever is the resident comedian at the Queen’s Head in Landgate.

It’s tough for publicans, but a sense of humour helps!

Have you got any amusing photos to share? Or any lifestyle shots as a result of isolating – dad doing a jigsaw, mum turning up the curtains, the dog digging up the roses, kids building a camp in the garden –  you get the picture. and if you don’t, read this story! Failing this, have you any suggestions we could write about which you think our readers would like to see or know about?

Send them in – our pens are poised!

Image Credits: Nick Forman , WhatsApp , YouTube , Seana Lanigan .

Previous articleContrasting supermarket shelves
Next articleLambing in isolation


  1. Rye Bowls Club have cancelled all matches for at least the next three months, all Mermaid League games are cancelled for the whole season, so there’s not a lot for us ‘wrinklies’ to do this Summer but stand on our balconys and clap at 8o’clock each evening


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