Ladders, fenders and floating pontoons


These photos show the Environmental Agency contractors at work putting the finishing touches to the (controversial to some) new improved marina facilities along the tidal reach of the river Tillingham at Rye’s Strand Quay.

Ladders, fenders and pontoons

Almost complete is the brand spanking new floating pontoon where visiting boaters will be able to moor and go ashore. Hopefully without endangering themselves, their families and their friends with an anxiety-inducing leap onto the filthy, slippery rusty ladders of yore. Can anyone confirm if disabled access is also be being made possible?

Ladders, fenders and pontoons

Further pictures show the new pontoons “taking the mud” as it is known at a lower state of the tide.

Whether or not there will be a public toilet for visitors’ convenience upon arrival remains to be seen thanks to Rother DC’s ongoing closure “test”. Or should that be trial?

Image Credits: Nick MacRae .

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  1. Does anyone know what the cost of this work has been? Whilst I’m all for encouraging visiting yachts, did the Environment Agency ever present a business case to show that this investment is worthwhile in terms of generating revenue for Rye? Is there any accountability for what they spend public money on? And why are they not presenting some kind of regeneration package for the land they own there? Thanks if you know the answers – perhaps Rye News could quiz EA’s regional managers?

  2. It might have been sensible to have removed some of the silt from the river at this point before all the expensive work was completed as it will now be much more difficult to do.
    How many visiting boats are anticipated coming to Rye?
    It is not a very accessible mooring for many!
    I would guess the cost will be many hundreds of thousands!

  3. Maybe Rye News could chase up on the following:

    Request the Environment Agency via FOI questions.

    1). Their Business case for this development. Who approved?
    2). All reports and studies from qualified (from any) Marine Consultancies that specialised in small harbour developments. IE: Feasibility studies. that support EA
    3). Impact on wild life and environment studies.
    4). Initial project costs and costs to date.
    5). Interaction and support from Rother District Council and Rye Town Council
    6). Any interaction and communication with Rye Business community
    7). A comments or supporting documentation from other Rye Boat yards
    8).The provision of hygiene facilities for visiting vessels and indeed the visiting general public
    8). The general HSE study and proposed HSE standards for the area/site in question.
    9). Any reports of study papers from the Rye harbour authorities regarding operation of the facility.
    10). Input from RNLI and rescue services who may be expected to monitor and serve the strand area.

  4. Lockgates at Rock Channel which were suggested a few years ago, would have been so much more beneficial to strand Quay, than all this expense going on at the moment,keeping the river high is so much more appealing than stinking river mud, if they wish to attract more visiting boats.

  5. Although, I believe the project has been mentioned at the Harbour of Rye Users Committee meetings, was there ever any public consultation on this project? I am not anti the development but concur with Nick Hanna’s comment fully.
    The costs is not several hundred thousand, we are looking at seven figures here and I bet the first one is not a one. And it’s public money.

  6. Rye est une ville merveilleuse j’aime me rendre a Rye avec mon voilier et il est vrai que le fait d’avoir fermé les toilettes est un véritable problème pour les plaisanciers qui arrivent un peu avant la saison ,il y a deux ans malgré un passage chez le Harbour Master et beaucoup d’appels sur la VHF personne était la pour nous accueillir heureusement il y avait les toilettes publique pour cette année beaucoup de transformation sur le port ,nous pourrons tester Rye est la ville le plus près de Dieppe et beaucoup de plaisanciers dieppois sont attachés a votre ville ,a bientot


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