Award winning gymnast


Belle Coules from Camber is part of a local cheerleading group celebrating success at the All Star Championships in Orlando Florida. The Rye College student trains with the Dynasty Reign Allstars (DRA) in Hastings. So how did Belle’s squad “Moonstone” achieve this award? Through sheer hard work, having a sense of fun and creativity, dedication, amazing coaches, supportive families and great sponsors.

Belle and Lola at the World Championships

DRA at the World Championships

Belle has been dedicating all her free time since September last year to training and perfecting the moves that will enable the squad to shine in the States. Most weeks the girls would train for up to thirteen hours. Belle never complains because it gives her such a buzz and she enjoys the teamwork and friendship too.

She has been taking part in classes for five years now since reaching the age of seven. Last year the Dynasty Reign Allstars won a bid to participate in the ‘Allstar Worlds’ in Florida. They had won many major competitions in the UK and it was the natural progression for them to aim for the stars.

Lauren, Belle’s mum, is over the moon with the success of the youngsters, especially Belle, and says that taking part has given her daughter both more confidence and an understanding of the importance of teamwork. Lauren said: “She is never happier than when she is cheerleading which takes a great deal of skill as it involves many gymnastic-type moves. The squad, their coaches and families set off on April 13th to Florida to prepare for the competition. Many days of hard work took place and then the competition began.

“There were forty-two teams in their division alone, which was Junior Level 1, and Dynasty Reign Allstars was the only UK team within the division. It was a two-day competition but Moonstone had to fight for a place in the finals where the group placed an amazing second out of fifteen teams in their division, going through to the finals against all the other subdivisions where they then placed fourth overall out of the forty-two teams.”

The cost of the trip needed to be funded so DRA set out to get sponsors and was lucky enough to find support from Dumpster Rubbish Clearance, The Logo Emporium, Triangle Fire Systems Ltd, Chocolate Balloons, RT of Sussex, I am Will Blood, Coastway Financial, Summit Environmental, DT decorating, The Sussex Sign Company, Vacuum Window Ltd and Wills in Plain English.

“Sponsorship is now being sought for the trip in 2025 so if any businesses or individuals would like to help please contact

“At the moment Tesco in Hastings and Ore are running the blue token scheme so if you shop there please pop your token in the DRA box as this might result in some financial help.”

Soon Dynasty Reign Allstars will be recruiting for season ten, accepting from age 4+ and you can contact them on Instagram and Facebook: Dynasty Reign Allstars.

Image Credits: Dynasty Reign Allstars .

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