Asking questions for sport


There are many ways to raise money – and Icklesham has been trying most of them after the Icklesham New Pavilion Project was set up to help sport locally.

The project’s aim is to help raise funds for the new build necessary to replace the present 54-year-old sports pavilion, used by a number of groups for a variety of sports, and run jointly with the Memorial Hall by a Trust.

It does not conform with modern day sports facilities, including the necessary disabled access, and the current building has been vandalised a number of times. On the most recent occasion it was broken into and trashed with the windows covered in whitewash, some of the cricket equipment also sprayed, obscenities left on the walls, and taps left on so the building flooded.

The project has a great deal of support in the village and surrounding area with much fund-raising already having taken place. Fund-raising events to date include sponsored walks, quiz nights, themed nights held in Icklesham Memorial Hall, and Golf Challenges and here are a few recent examples.

Last  Saturday February 20, I was given a cheque from Derrick Baker (no relation) for £1,000. Derrick was a former Trust Chairman (responsible for the hall and pavilion) and, along with his late wife Joan, was very active and passionate about Icklesham.

The late Joan Baker dedicated much of her time to Icklesham players
The late Joan Baker dedicated much of her time to Icklesham players

He was a stoolball supporter and player, Vice President of Icklesham Cricket Club, and his wife Joan (see photo, right) was very active with drama group Icklesham Players, always down the Church with her displays at Flower festivals, always good at encouraging the youngsters, and locally her Jumble Sales were famous.

Please make a note of Derrick’s details on the poster (Flat 30 @ Five Villages, tel 814246) as he is a trained baker and if you ever need catering for your event, he is very highly recommended.

Also by promoting him you will be helping this New Pavilion Project. I know that many people who are supporting this project know Derrick, and therefore please thank him for this very generous donation. Derrick raised funds for the pavilion with pies, cakes and pastries and said his wife would have been devastated to see the state the pavilion had got into.

Icklesham’s monthly Quiz Night (see top photo) is another popular fundraiser and thanks to everyone that supported the quiz night on Saturday. Sixteen teams entered and “The 30 Somethings” were going for their third consecutive win.

The early pacesetters were One Out All Out, Flower Power, Nobby’s Nuts, Stalybridge Celtic, Mabel’s Table and High Fords Hooligans but after Round Three Casualties were being pushed by Potato Heads for the lead, and Saints & Sinners along with Friends and Family plus Golden Arrows were in the mix at halfway.

Fab 5 were having their own challenge with their Husbands (Potato Heads) but, as the evening moved into the latter stages, all eyes were on The 30 Somethings – were they going to make their customary late challenge ?

The late challenge did come, but it was in vain as they could only manage seventh place. Flower Power were sixth, Nobby’s Nuts along with One Out All Out were joint fourth, Team Name came third, and there was a dead heat for first between Empty Heads and Stalybridge Celtic – so a tie breaker was used with Stalybridge Celtic ending as the evening’s winners.

Special thanks to Alan, John (setting up) Tracey, Hannah, Tristan, Charlie, Alison, Mena & Rachel (Raffle), Sean (help during the evening), those that donated raffle prizes and bought tickets, and to everyone that helped with clearing up at the end.

The evening raised £343.50p for the New Pavilion Fund, which was another brilliant effort by all concerned. The next quiz night is on Saturday 12 March.

Ernie Wilson has donated £50 to this project in memory of his wife Kate ,who he lost recently. Kate was a member of the Horticultural Society for 28 years. Ernie and your family – please accept our condolences at this sad time, and thank you all very much for this very generous donation.

Photo: Stuart Baker

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