Knitters celebrate anniversary


St Mary’s knitting group celebrated its first birthday with cakes after service last Sunday July 10. The local group makes beautiful blanket squares that are sewn up and finished with a crochet edging, then sent to displaced people in refugee camps in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq.

Church cat Sylvester Frost inspects the finished blankets
Church cat Sylvester Frost inspects the finished blankets

The group meets every Monday at 10:30am at St Mary’s and all are welcome. They are also happy to accept any left over wool that people may have knocking around. Even the odd ball or half might be useful to create a square, or even just a stripe. Spare wool or squares themselves may be left in the church and the knitters would like to thank those people who have done so, many of whom have donated anonymously. If anyone would like to knit for the group, there are patterns in the Big Box in the choir vestry, where wool and sewing items can be left.  At the moment there are some spare balls available for would-be knitters.

The blankets form part of the Rye response to Samara’s Aid Appeal, co-ordinated by Janet Waddams. Janet will be organising another shipment of good quality winter clothes and bedding later this year. So please start thinking about items you might be able to spare. Janet will launch the collection in September. More information about Samara’s Aid Appeal can be found here as well as details of how to donate.

The Rye group is also preparing sewing kits to send so any spare needles, thread, scissors and similar items would be gratefully received.

Photos: Seana Lanigan

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