Royal visit in pictures


Huge thanks to everyone who has shared their pictures of the royal visit. Our main photo was taken by Kim Rye as Her Majesty ended her day in Rye driving down Mermaid Street.

Earlier in the day, Tony Ham captured these shots of the Queen on her way into St Mary’s as she talked to local children from Rye Primary School.

Tony Ham also photographed something which became a major theme of the royal visit. The Queen meeting dogs.

Queen in the crowd with dogs in Rye

Along with pictures taken by Rye News reporters, here are some of your photos of Her Majesty The Queen’s visit to Rye on Thursday, May 9. You can see photos from inside the church here and in Lamb House here.

I can’t wait
Pleased to meet you
One of the decorated windows near the town hall
Regal oven glove
Still a bit wet
A smile for the camera
Starting to brighten up
On Church Square
Stepping out into the sunshine at Lamb House
Waiting on West Street
Violet and Heather hanging out at The Mermaid
Vanilla Camilla on sale at Mermaid Street Cafe
Flag’s up
Well deserved ice cream after a long day of duty

Our final picture is about shoes, which were much discussed. One well-wisher waiting patiently for Her Majesty to walk past told us: “I just came to see what shoes our Queen would be wearing to manage walking on Mermaid Street.” Apparently the brand is Sole Bliss.

Royal shoes in Rye

Image Credits: Kim Rye , Tony Ham , Peter Connock , James Stewart , Susan Desrosiers , Juliet Duff , Gill Roder , Susan Benn , Mermaid Street Cafe .

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