Hastings moves to Rye


Hugh Fraser, the long-term and much-loved Captain Hastings in the TV adaptions of Agatha Christie’s Poirot murder mysteries will be signing copies of his own books at the Rye Bookshop on the High Street next month, writes Seana Lanigan.  His writing is not what you might expect from his mild-mannered, pleasant, traditional English gentleman TV character. His books are pretty violent, modern and fairly gruesome.

Fraser will be joined by “Rye assassin” Guy Fraser-Sampson who, not content with having killed off all the characters in EF Benson’s Mapp and Lucia books in his own trilogy, is now stalking through north London, on an trail of death and destruction in his latest series of novels.

The Frasers will be at the Rye Bookshop on November 12 from 3:30pm.

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