King Lear comes to St Mary’s

King Lear's three daughters, Goneril, Regan and Cordelia
King Lear’s three daughters, Goneril, Regan and Cordelia

The Bowler Crab theatrical company, well known locally for its outdoor performances of Shakespeare, is now for the first time touring this Winter with indoor shows. On November 26, the company comes to St Mary’s Church, Rye to present King Lear, its ninth Shakespearean production since starting in 2013 at Half House Farm in Three Oaks.

Stephen John, founder, director and producer, plays the leading role as Lear. He said: “Whilst edited down for a more consumable running time, this production of King Lear nonetheless sticks strictly to the original Jacobean language and story line.

“The play is harrowing, but it is also at points charming, funny and compassionate, a piece filled with ups and downs, biting points of twists and turns and, above all, fantastically written characters that articulate their motives and emotion so well that we recognise ourselves within them”.

Tickets are available price £15 online  or by calling 07801 893115. The performance takes place on November 26 at St Mary’s church at 7:30pm.

Source: Bowler Crab Productions

Photos: Bowler Crab Theatrical Company

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