Cars get parking tickets

Illegal parking in Conduit Hill. The bin lorry could proceed no further

In an extraordinary development unheard of in Rye for many months,  illegally parked cars were targeted by law enforcement officers last week. Police officers were seen around the Country Market in Conduit Hill in the morning and evidence of their presence was seen in Market Street (see main photo).

Rye is known for its chaotic parking arrangements, with locals and tourists alike parking on double yellow lines, for hours or days on end, in the absence of any police enforcement.

The weekly country market takes place at the Community Centre on Conduit Hill every Friday and very often random cars are parked next to the building as well as down the hill to Cinque Ports Street. Pushing my bike, I saw a police officer putting tickets on the cars and asked him if he was patrolling all of the town.

A carelessly parked car prevented this bus from turning the corner into Landgate

He said if he gave every obstructing car a ticket it would take him several days, but that he would certainly look at the hot spots.

A frequent “hot spot” is the corner, coming up to the Landgate from Tower Street where the shops start and delivery vans as well as cars park on the bend regardless of yellow lines, making it very difficult for a fire engine, ambulance or bus to get past – as can be seen in the photo.

[Editor’s note: The police have made it clear that parking issues are a civil matter, and not a police concern, and the County Council are pressing ahead with the Civil Enforcement of Parking ie wardens]



Photos: Seana Lanigan, Jane Conlin & Rye News Library

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  1. It would be nice to see enforcement officers out once a week in Rye,with out notifying the general public,as so many locals in the citadel, are abusing the parking laws,once they get a ticket or two,hopefully the penny will drop.


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