Monthly Archives: May, 2018

Flower festivals this weeken

The season of flower festivals has started, writes Kenneth...

Invasion of hornets?

This Euro migrant may be beautiful, but should we welcome him?

R.I.P. Dominique Worrall

A handsome celebration of a life tragically lost

Morris Dancers to Rye

The East Surrey Morris Men come to Rye this...

Focus on Neighbourhood Watch

Can you help your neighbour, your community, and the Police?

From Christmas tree to blankets

St Michael's church, Betchworth presents a green gift for Syria to the knitters at St Mary's church Rye

Twenty years of walking

Another successful Rye Rotary fundraiser

Ring out the bells for peace

Ringing for peace to mark the Armistice centenary is a good reason to join the band of Rye ringers

Rye Harbour Walking Festival

Learn how shingle plants cope with the dry, windy and salty environment at Rye Harbour

Strand Quay boules starts aga

Playing Boules with friends

A murder is announced

A murder mystery evening is an entertaining way to raise funds for a worthwhile charity

Shakespeare returns to the Mermaid

Well-known local thespians return with a new production

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