Plans get thumbs down


Rye Town Council’s Planning Committee agreed this week to oppose two proposals at Tuesday’s (September 18) meeting, both on the grounds of overdevelopment and loss of amenity for neighbours.

Parking and traffic issues were also raised but the highways authority (East Sussex County Council) does not appear to intervene unless or until there have been accidents/casualties and there is then evidence that there is a problem.

The proposed development at Belle Vue

However residents at Belle Vue by Ferry Road bridge (shown above) successfully argued at the meeting that another studio building above parking spaces on their tightly packed site by Gibbet Marsh was simply a building too far.

Similarly the committee agreed, after seeing detailed drawings and photos, to oppose an application for a two storey rear extension to Tate House on Rye Hill because it was “rather too much for this site” and adversely affected the house next door in terms of amenity and

The committee also agreed a progress report on the Neighbourhood Plan which could be voted on in a referendum on the plan coinciding with local elections in spring 2019.

Image Credits: Gillian Roder , Ova Build from planning application .

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