Still swanning along but . . . .


Local restauranter and publican Simon Aylett is fundraising for prostate cancer with his
“Swansong”, a 2,000 mile ride charity bike ride to Syracuse in Sicily.

His home for the ride is the pod (above) but he has suffered from popping tyres and breaking wheels, and on September 16 “Quelle horreur…after a huge crash bang …the Velopod snapped …sent back to Rye for repairs”.

But his journey can be tracked on as well as on twitter and YouTube – and he seems remarkably cheerful and optimistic despite all life’s travails.

“Sept 17….pedalling ever south, 100 km alongside the canal that links Bourgogne with Champagne” and on he goes.

And his journey is sprinkled with meals he is clearly enjoying – and French repartee on camera. And hopefully the fund raising is going as well.

Image Credits: Rye News Library .

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