Month long roadworks


Essential drainage and kerb repairs followed by resurfacing work will begin on a road at Winchelsea Beach next month. Roadworks will start on Sea Road on Tuesday, June 1 and continue until Thursday, July 1.

Drainage works including excavation, pipe replacement and ditch clearance work will take place between June 1 and June 14, and then between June 14 and June 28 kerbing adjustments and replacements will be carried out in preparation for the resurfacing work.

The road will remain open during the drainage and kerbing work. Temporary traffic lights, which will be moved according to the location of the roadworks, will be in place. The resurfacing and targeted patch repairs will begin on June 28 and continue until July 1, with day and overnight road closures required.

Sea Road will be closed at the following times – Monday, June 28: 8am – 5pm; Tuesday, June 29: 8am – 5pm and 8pm – 6am; Wednesday, June 30: 8am – 5pm and 8pm – 6am ; and Thursday, July 1: 8am – 5pm.

The road will be resurfaced from the junction with the A259 to between the junction with Jenny Lane and Old River Way. Patch repairs will take place from near the eastern access to Old River Way and the entrance to the Winchelsea Sands Holiday Park.

Access will be maintained to the holiday park and for residents, although there may be delays and the diversion route may need to be followed. Pedestrian access will be maintained.

When the road is closed traffic will be diverted via Battery Hill, Fairlight Road, Rye Road, A259 Winchelsea Road, A259 Main Road, and A259 Tanyard Lane, and vice versa.

Bus routes may be affected by the road closures and people are advised to check with their bus company or visit for information on changes to services. Details of this and all forthcoming roadworks are available on the East Sussex Highways website at

East Sussex Highways

Image Credits: Seana Lanigan .

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