Calling all knitters to act


The year began with a generous outpouring of contributions to the Winter Clothes Appeals for the thousands of Iraqi refugees, organised by St Mary’s Church. Thinking ahead  to next winter and their continuing needs,  the next stage will be to respond to the Knitting Appeal, in supplying hand-knitted garments for all ages and there is also a great need for blankets. If anyone out there can help by doing some knitting for us, it would be wonderful.  If you want to  join an about-to-be formed group of knitwits, even better! Most of you are already busy doing heaps of other good works, but you may have time to knit some 6″ squares for the blankets. We even have two “sew-and-sews” who have offered to do the important sewing-up. Completed squares and garments can be left in St Mary’s vestry. We would also be  very grateful for donations of wool, so this is a good opportunity to clear out all those odd balls and scraps even if you aren’t able to find time to knit for us. If you need any further information, or would like to join the group of knitwits, please  contact me, Sandra Lanigan, at 7 East Street, Rye or email me

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