Cash bid for community groups


Community groups and organisations have just days left to apply for funding to boost projects within the Rother area. Thousands of pounds are available for the development of community facilities, activities and sustainable local action as part of the Rother District Council Community Grants Scheme. The deadline for applications for the latest round of funding is Friday, July 31.

“With competition for funding becoming more difficult, the community grant scheme is designed to pump prime new projects, encouraging other organisations to offer financial help,” said Cllr Tony Ganly, chairman of the district council’s Grants Panel. “This scheme allows organisations with a local project in Bexhill, Battle, Rye and rural Rother to approach other authorities and organisations with up to 50 per cent of their funding already in place, giving them a better chance of being successful.”

Grants are divided into three categories;
• Small grants scheme – for grants of under £500. The maximum grant will be limited to 50 per cent of the total cost of the project
• Medium grants scheme – for one-off grants of up to £5,000. The maximum grant will be limited to 50 per cent of the total cost and 30 per cent of the funding will need to come from local support
• Large grants scheme – for a maximum grant of £30,000. Rother District Council will fund a maximum of 50 per cent of the project if long-term viability is demonstrated. The applicant will also need to provide details of how ongoing costs will be met

Successful applicants in the last round of funding included Winchelsea Corporation, which was awarded £250 for a visitor map and guide, Ewhurst Parish Council and Ewhurst Parish Allotments Association, which was handed £6,000 for sheds and on-site parking and Senlac District Scout Council which was awarded £30,000 towards the construction of premises at Kiteye Campsite in Rother.

Cllr Ganly added: “This is a great opportunity for any local group or organisation to get the financial boost it needs for a worthy local project and I hope as many as possible apply.” For more information download, a copy of the Community Grants Guidance and Criteria Information from Alternatively email or call 01424 787864.

Rother District Council’s Grants Panel, which meets twice a year, will meet in August to discuss the latest applications and present recommendations to Cabinet.  Members of the Cabinet will meet in September to decide on the latest successful grants.

Source: Rother District Council

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