A different sort of quiz


We are used to pub quizzes to raise funds for a project or charity but last Thursday, March 17, I attended a different type of quiz at the Kino cinema – a film quiz held in the Silver Room.

There were six teams of four people and, as it was St Patrick’s Day, there were two Irish themed rounds. All in all there were eight rounds of ten questions.

After round four we were fed a light snack – then back to the final four. At the end we exchanged sheets with another team and the marking began.

In the end the winning team had 52 and the last team 40 – and a good evening was had by all. The Rye Kino is hoping to run this as a monthly event.

Check on their website for future events.

Just to see if you might enjoy this, can you identify which film the main picture comes from? Here is the answer.

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