Compare a book to a garden

Nocturne by David Winston, Influenced by a piece of writing by Josian Van Melle
Nocturne by David Winston, influenced by a piece of writing by Josian Van Melle

The title  of a new exhibition at Smallhythe Studio “A garden in your pocket” comes from an ancient proverb. It arose from a workshop at the studio about writing inspired by gardens and plants. Local writers produced poems, stories and descriptive pieces, which were then sent to about 35 local artists to respond in any way they wished.

A darker side of the Herbaceous border by Carol Macdonald, influenced by writing by Margot Dixon
A darker side of the herbaceous border by Carol Macdonald, influenced by writing by Margot Dixon

The result has been an unusual collection of writings with paintings and other art mediums. Even owner and creator Rowena McWilliams has found it intriguing. It is planned to have a show next year with the writers using a painting to inspire them.The private view is on April 30, when artists and writers will be present to discuss their work from 11am to 6pm. After that it will be open to the public from Tuesday to Friday each week April 26 until May 20, 11am to 5pm at the Smallhythe Studio, Smallhythe Road, Tenterden, TN30 7NB. Email, Their website is


Photos: Carol Macdonald

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