
Fireworks noise and a bonfire

Bonfire night is here

Town’s first defeat at new home

A heavy loss leaves Rye Town FC well off the pace

Convincing win for Casuals 2nds

A good result for the 2nd team but veterans falter

Bobbies on the beat

The Plan for 2018/2022 suggests more police recruitment and local olicing. But not everyone agrees

Southern to answer to Rye

Representatives from Southern Rail will be at a public meeting later this month

Rye News moves on

Your local paper looks ahead

County Council’s ‘core offer’

ESCC produces a plan to combat cuts

Allotmenteers with a mission

South Undercliff allotment holders start what they hope will be a town-wide collection of old tools for charity

Northiam remembers

Northiam celebrates the centenary of the great War Armistice

Gas leak at Rope Walk rail crossing

The northbound carriageway into Grove Road was closed last week following reports of a gas leak

Rye joins Robin Hood bonfire fun

Bonfire season was celebrated in glorious colour at the Robin Hood, Icklesham

The church wore purple

St Thomas' church in Winchelsea turned purple for one night

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