
Bowls members wanted

Rye Bowls Club on Fishmarket Road is inviting new...

Tilling Green, the next stage

Tilling Green school, now used as a community centre, is busy sometimes - but it lost users and income after a failed attempt to put housing on the site - and the Town Council is now being asked to step in - but into what ?

Rye Festival of the Sea launched

The annual raft race was just too good to be allowed to disappear into folk memory, so it's being revived under a new team of volunteers

Business Forum meets again

Rye Area Business Forum follows its first successful meeting with a talk on government initiatives for encouraging exports

Jempson’s superstore make-over

Work is about to start on the multi-million pound...

Time running out to register to vote

County Council elections are on May 4. This is your opportunity to engage with the democratic process

Air your views at MarshLink AGM

The present and future prospects of our local train service will be discussed at the MLAG AGM

Lifeboat starts the Camber season

Rye Harbour lifeboat service launches for the first time this year. It was a false alarm - but the crew are gearing up for a busy summer. Thank goodness for these brave and accomplished volunteers

Local teenager speaks to Lib Dems

A young political hopeful makes his mark at a Party Conference

Inconvenient costs add up

The cost of conveniences can be quite high - so no deal was possible on taking them over

‘New Roaders’ gallant loss

Rye Rugby Club fought a gallant losing battle against Newick,, both teams giving their all

Friendly action for Town

A friendly for Rye to help them with the final push for more trophies. Dan Lake reports

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