Time running out to register to vote


People in East Sussex are being urged not to miss out on the chance to take part in next month’s county council elections.

Anyone not currently registered to vote has until Thursday, April 13 to register to ensure they can cast their vote when the county heads to the polls on Thursday, May 4. Residents can check if they’re registered to vote or complete the registration process online

Becky Shaw, East Sussex County Council chief executive, said: “County councillors play a hugely important role in matters which affect all of our lives – from the roads and pavements we use to the care older people receive. It’s really important people check they’re registered to vote, to ensure they can have their say on how the county is run over the next four years. Voting in the election on May 4 is also a chance for people to choose who they want to represent them in their local area.”

The elections will be the first to be held under new division boundary arrangements which see the number of county councillors increased from 49 to 50. The changes, which follow a consultation by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England, will see an extra county councillor in Wealden to account for the district’s rising population. Boundaries across the county have changed to ensure all councillors represent roughly the same number of voters, while the names of some county council divisions have changed.

The council currently has 21 Conservative members, 10 Liberal Democrats, seven Labour members, six UKIP members, three independents and two independent democrats.

People can find more information at www.yourvotematters.co.uk or by contacting the electoral registration office of their local district or borough council.

For further information please contact: Karen Bowles, Press Officer Tel: 01273 337291 Mob/out of hours: 07974 427569 Email: karen.bowles@eastsussex.gov.uk

Source: ESCC




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