Election update: June 21


Priorities for Rye

Huge thanks to the candidates from the 5 main parties for writing an article for this week’s Rye News. Soon after the election was called we asked them to tell us their priorities for Rye if they were to become the next MP for Hastings and Rye.

We asked for 400 words max and have printed exactly what they sent us. No editing. Apart from the Rye Hustings next week there’s nowhere else you can hear from the people in the running to be our next MP all in one place.


Wednesday June 19 saw some interesting polling and research into voting intentions. YouGov has published its second seat by seat forecast, with another next week.

Russell Hall has created some graphics that show how voting intention has changed since the start of June. In Hastings and Rye there’s better news for the Greens and Reform, but the Labour lead has narrowed from 21% to 15%. Labour are still comfortably in the lead.

In Bexhill and Battle Labour go from 6% behind to 2% ahead of the Tories, who have fallen by 7%.

You can find more about the polling by YouGov here.

Bring identification

You will need proof of ID to vote in person, the official Electoral Commission guidance is here: https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/voting-and-elections/voter-id

Local hustings next week

Thursday 27 June - Hastings Hustings at White Rock Theatre at 7pm. Details of how to get  free tickets are here Hastings Online Times

Saturday June 29 – Rye Hustings at St Mary’s church at 7pm. Revd Paul White says "All of the candidates standing for election have an opportunity for questions from the
floor, but before that each will be speaking for 10 minutes. It should be a fascinating evening, do please come along."

Election Day

On Thursday July 4 – Election day -  polling stations open at 7am. The count will begin straight after polls close at 10pm. The result of the Hastings and Rye constituency will be announced on Friday morning.

Where to vote

You can find your polling station here: https://www.rother.gov.uk/findmynearest

Image Credits: Nick Youngson/Alpha Stock Images - http://alphastockimages.com/Nick Youngson http://www.nyphotographic.com/ https://www.thebluediamondgallery.com/typewriter/e/election.html Creative commons BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/.

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