Merchant and Mills


Hopes and fears for next year

Local farmer and lifelong Rye resident, Dennis Leeds-George gives his views on the current state of the town and his hopes for the coming year

Unacceptable delays in treatment

The wait for cancer treatment is unacceptably long, says Gino Francesco. But there is a solution

Hall replies to critics

Country and Western at Camber - a correction

Deadman’s damage

More damage in Deadmans Lane

An open letter to Amber Rudd

Enough is enough - we ask our MP what the Government is going to do to resolve the Southern / Unions impasse

Parking? Not a policing problem

Sussex Police have made it clear that antisocial parking is a matter for residents and traders to resolve

Amber Rudd on our rail service

Our MP gives her views on the current rail problems

Southern, unions and us

Southern's dispute with its guards has gone on for too long. When will either side start to think about their passengers

Black Friday, bah humbug!

Black Friday - do we really need it? The Editor makes a plea for sanity

CPE – a town councillor’s view

Just when we thought we understood Civil parking Enforcement, it turns out to be a lot less simple than at first sight

No by-pass? How about a link road

Lifelong Rye resident, Dennis Leeds-George airs his own thoughts on traffic congestion and possible solutions


Dear sir, We all know that Rye's Landgate has suffered...

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