Calling all competitors


The Rye Festival of the Sea is nearly upon us (Sunday, September 9) but there is still a chance to enter for the raft race and the tug of war. Full details and entry forms can be found here.

The raft race is sponsored by Councillor Andi Rivett and Rock Channel Marine with the winning raft receiving £100 and also a beautiful winner’s trophy hand crafted by Councillor Rivett.  There is also a prize for the most fun raft, sponsored by Rye Shoes.

The tug of war takes place in the afternoon and we are looking for teams to have a laugh and take part. There is a £50 prize for the winning team.

If you would like to have a stall along The Strand details of how to do this are here.

For our younger visitors, there is also a sea-themed fancy dress competition.

All in all this is a great family fun day out for all, come and try the Rye Festival of the Sea!

Photo: Festival of the Sea

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