Encompass Care reopens


Encompass Care are delighted to have at last taken over a lease for a day centre at Magdala House on Ferry Road in Rye and moved in on Thursday, August 6. The negotiations between East Sussex County Council and Optivo have been finalised early, as Encompass Care were keen to reopen their service for physically disabled people in the Rye and district area.

Although they did continue their service by ‘phone and weekly Zoom meetings during the Covid-19 lockdown, they were concerned for both their clients and the clients’ full time carers. The carers who are all family members received no respite at all during the four months, and everyone was more than ready to return.

They are now happily settling into their larger premises attached to Magdala House with lots of room to practice social distancing whilst still enjoying games, music, arts and crafts and mindfulness group sessions.

Image Credits: Irna Mortlock .

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