The good, the bad and the beautiful


Last week’s Election has got us all thinking about the chasm between Good and Evil. Here are a few feel good pick me-ups and a knock-out dose of evil to mark the occasion.

Katie Swann Gurr brings the crop sharing trend to Rye via her Facebook page, Crop Swap UK
I do all I can to avoid buying supermarket fruit and veg. I can’t stand all the unnecessary packaging and guilt about it’s carbon footprint. I do what I can to be green, and go to Rye market or Johnson’s Fruiterers.

So amongst all the election-related hatred and fear on social media this week, this cheerful little group gleamed on my computer screen like a rose amongst the onions. Let’s unite in swapping fruit and veg. Katie says: “As any keen growers know, we generally have a ton of certain things and might like to swap a bag of what we have for something we can’t grow! I hope this group can lead to many a veg swap, simply post your offerings and requests to see if we can’t get some veg shared out a little! This group may also encourage us to pick full trees of fruit for swapping that, if like in my garden just go to waste. I suggest meeting in a public place – you know how odd us gardeners are!”

Katie is sssso into being green
Katie is sooo into being green

TO DO: Star Health and Fitness Dance Class. Fridays 7:30- 9pm £5 Harbour Health Club, Winchelsea Road

Bikini season is upon us. Or at least exposed arms season is. So tone up. Ali Campion’s all ability dance class starts with an excruciating ‘arm bouncing’ exercise to The Piña Colada Song. Expect a red face and gritted teeth. Once the warm up is over you learn an easy routine, so there is a sense of achievement after the torture. A professional performer, trained Italia Conti, Ali’s passion is being on stage. I went to see her as ‘Knucklehead Nellie’ in Battle Light Opera’s production of ‘South Pacific’ at the weekend. Her American ‘Hick’ accent was faultless, even when her character attempted a French accent. An accent on top of an accent on top of an accent. Skills involved. I love Am Dram realness. I pretend I am David Walliams, judging acts on Britain’s Got Talent.

ali campion
Ali Campion and Adrian Collins as Nellie and Emilie

True Crime Museum, Palace Avenue Arcade, White Rock, Hastings. Open everyday 10-5 Adults £7.50
Having heard about this place from a friend, I called up to see what I was in for before I arrived. I was told: “It’s about the same level of scariness as Horrible Histories.

The guy working there has obviously been desensitised. The True Crime Museum is in a freezing cold cave, nestled in amongst the shops on Hastings Seafront. I could only stand being in the “Execution Chamber” with a used noose and lethal injection deathbed for long enough to take a photo, which I promptly deleted because it creeped me out so much. I couldn’t go into the “Voices of Death” Theatre, where clips of famous murderers being interviewed and even appearing on a gameshow were played on a loop. Murderer Art included children’s illustrations and Jesus on the crucifix made from wax and toilet paper. Prison weapons and illegal dog fighting paraphernalia are on display. Flickering lights expose ‘wiped clean’ blood marks on the wall as you enter and weird noises are piped in, all around. On a lighter note, Barbara Windsor got a mention, as a former girlfriend of the Kray twins’ brother. You can also see mugshots of Justin Bieber, David Bowie and Lindsay Lohan.

Surprising as it is creepy, I strongly recommend it, but maybe don’t bring the kids.

Pretending not to be freaked out at True Crime Museum
Pretending not to be freaked out at True Crime Museum

Check out the new Make up station and have a make up lesson from Courtenay Rae, Aveda Rye Retreat’s resident make up artist. £45 with £30 redeemable against products. Courtenay invited me in for a trial, and to check out the beautiful new Garden Room, downstairs. I’m really into make up, and although I am a HUGE fan of Aveda hair products, I had never tried their make-up. The eyeshadows and lipstick are beautifully pigmented and vibrant. Courtenay used a translucent foundation to make my skin gleam without “covering up”. It’s a more natural look than I am used to… I am TOWIE all the way usually, but it was nice to know I looked ok without five layers of warpaint on! Would especially recommend Aveda foundation for girls who have clear skin, or like to flaunt their freckles.

Courtenay says: “My station is downstairs at the make up area. Surrounded by all the treasures. It’s just so beautiful, I love how you can be in a treatment and hear the tranquil sound of water. I’m a huge plant lover too, so the garden room is right up my strasse!”Her favourite product? “I cannot be without my Amazonia Bronzer. Hello contour!” Favourite make up style? “I do a lot of bridal parties. I love it. My excitement levels go up when I get a chance to do something more extravagant, maybe less natural. I love Asian bridal make up so much.”

Courtenay has style and offers honest and informed make up advice. Let’s face it, we could all do with a second opinion on our make up. How many times have you held your tongue when you’ve spotted a major no-no? With wedding season ahead, I would definitely recommend.

Courtenay Rae works her magic at Rye Retreat
Courtenay Rae works her magic at Rye Retreat

That’s it for now, I’m off to a hen do in Lanzarote! Look out for my very special interview next week . . .

Miss Rae x


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