Passing on the (garden) baton


On Saturday, April 23 the Community Garden will receive a very welcome donation of funds from the Iden and Playden Garden Society which has, sadly, been wound up. Morris Metcalf will present the cheque on behalf of his fellow gardeners at 12 noon as part of the World Earth Day event at the Love Lane site.

All good things do eventually come to a natural end and the Community Garden Steering Group is only too delighted that the Iden and Playden gardeners felt that the Rye Community Garden was a fitting recipient for their residual funds. The money will be put to good use in paying for the Community Garden’s public liability insurance (without which the Garden cannot be open to the general public) and also the newly positioned signage – much needed and long awaited!

All are welcome at the Garden at any time.

Photo: Pip Al-Khafaji

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