RNLI Rye Harbour gains tractor driver


Congratulations to Neil Jolly who successfully passed his tractor assessment today with Gary Stanbury, trainer assessor.

Neil joined the RNLI in 2021 at RNLI Hastings and transferred over to RNLI Rye Harbour in March of 2022. Neil is one of our deputy launching authorities and now having completed his tractor plan embarks on his boat crew plan.

The tractor at Rye Harbour is a big beast to handle. It is 4.475 metres long, 2.66 metres wide. It weighs 9.8 tonnes and can pull 5 tonnes. So it requires intensive training to handle it with competence.

Gary Stanbury commented on the assessment,’ Neil carried out the bendy tractor pass-out to the highest standard. He did a good briefing before and after launching relevant to all the standard and local operating procedures and I have no hesitation in passing Neil out as a tractor driver and I wish him all the best in the future.’

Image Credits: kt bruce , Stephen Spooner .

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