Rye Lunch Club for Carers


Local charity, Association of Carers hold a Lunch Club in Rye for Carers who would like to get out and meet other Carers, share experiences and increase their support network.

The Lunch Club is once a month, on a Wednesday in various locations in the Rye area. A staff member from the Association of Carers will also be available at the venue for support and can provide information and advice.

Carers can come on their own, or with the person they look after or care for, and have a meal or just a drink and a chat in a supportive environment.

The Association of Carers are a charity who support unpaid Carers in East Sussex to continue in their caring role by providing free, high quality, volunteer-led services that encourage independence and reduce isolation.

For more information, please call 01424 722309.

Photo: Nikki Hawes

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