Arts Festival considers changes


Trustees of the Rye Arts Festival are seeking members’ views on changing the current conditions of membership. A questionnaire asks whether changes should be made to the current membership structure and rates of subscription and what rules should govern members’ voting rights. Also canvassed are views on whether ticket discounts should be given to members and any further ideas for improving the governance of the Rye Arts Festival.

Members’ responses to the questionnaire are requested by post or email by Friday February 10, addressed to the Secretary, Mrs Annie Ullman

These will assist the Trustees in formulating proposals to be put before the AGM on April 9 2017. At that meeting recommendations will also be made in relation to the Constitution to ensure that due compliance is made with the requirements of the Charities Commission and to follow best practice.

(Source – Rye Arts Festival)

Photo: Kenneth Bird

Image Credits: Kenneth Bird .

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