Acting Up in Rye will be presenting a pantomime for its next production: Old Mother Hubbard, directed by Sarah Givertz assisted by Rowena Sterry.
After numerous enjoyable social evenings of reading various pantos, this old nursery rhyme adaptation was unanimously voted to be the best. We had a very good turnout for auditions and the panto was subsequently cast.

Rehearsals are now well underway, with an enthusiastic cast, many of whom were very involved in choosing this panto. As with all productions they are supported by a small group of costume makers, set builders, painters and so on, who are working hard towards the final production. In fact, many of these people will help with some or all of these jobs as well as appearing on stage.
Amateur dramatics is not just about acting: there are many ways to be involved. If you are interested in joining us either in the “limelight” or “behind the scenes” please contact our membership secretaries: Carol Gasson 01797 224193 and Sue Davies 01797 222345.
Performances at Rye Community Centre, Conduit Hill, will be held on:
- Friday November 21 at 7.30pm
- Saturday November 22 matinee at 2.30pm
- Saturday November 22 at 7.30pm
There will be a licensed bar. Tickets are £6 for adults and £4 for children, and can be purchased from either of the two box offices at A Pocket Full of Rye, 5A High Street and the Heritage Centre on Strand Quay, or by telephone reservation on 07766 211220.
We hope to see you there, cheering the goodies and booing the baddies in what will be family entertainment in true pantomime fashion.

Photos: Judith Wall and Tony McLaughlin