Stop trying to be fantastic


Performer, poet and author Molly Naylor describes Stop Trying to Be Fantastic as an “anti-self-help show”. She performed at the Brewery Yard Club to a packed house as part of the Rye Arts Festival programme.

She makes us think of the different ways we deploy to fend off our insecurities, which can sometimes be self-sabotaging. These strategies are very common: Abraham Lincoln, Michelangelo, John F. Kennedy and George Washington all experienced some aspects of self-sabotage before they made history – so we are not alone.

The story starts with a metaphorical magpie which flies into Naylor’s childhood house. Magpies are considered to be a symbol of intelligence and wit and also, more menacingly, deceit, and the embodiment of dread. Molly tells us, often humorously, of her attempts to drive the bird away and totally engages her audience who want to know more of her adventurous journey. She takes us through familiar nostalgic territory and awakens in us memories of our own struggles. Her strategies included: getting drunk, throwing herself totally into work, and doing amazing acts of kindness. She desires approval, (don’t we all?), but striving to reach that, we often sacrifice relationships on the way.

But this was a gentle lyrical journey and Molly totally engaged us. The message is quite simply – “Stop trying to be Fantastic”.

Image Credits: Kt bruce .

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